- As per the CBSE Circular No. Acad-05/2017 the Examinations from Academic year 2017-18 and onwards would be conducted as per the remodeled assessment structure.
- Three Tests will be held, one being the Mid-Term Test and other two being Pre Mid-Term and Post Mid-Term with portion of syllabus cumulatively covered (Gradually increasing).
- Each Term Examination will be of 50 marks.
- Annual Examination will be of 80 Marks + 20 Marks Internal Assessments (10+5+5) i.e; average of the best two Term Tests (Weightage 10%), 5% Weightage for C.W/H.W Notebook Submission, 5% Weightage for Subject Enrichment Activities (assessed throughout the year). Thus total marks will be awarded out of 100 in each subject.
- Co-Scholastic Activities: W.E./ SUPW, Art Education, Health & Physical Education and other Graded Subjects will be assessed once in a year in the month of February.
- Discipline (Attendance, Sincerity, Behaviour, Values) shall also be graded on a Five – Point Scale (A to E).
- Student has to secure 33% marks out of 80 marks in the Annual Exam in each Subject separately in order to qualify in that Subject.